Concrete5 CMS Overview


Nowadays, every business has a wide range of open source content management systems to choose from. Some of the content management systems are popular while others are lesser known. However, some of the lesser known content management systems, such as Concrete5, come with a set of features that simplify the development and management of various websites and web applications.

As an open source content management system (CMS), Concrete5 helps users reduce the cost of developing and managing a website. At the same time, it simplifies the development and management of web applications by providing several robust features as well as community and enterprise support. These features make many businesses prefer Concrete5 over other popular content management systems.

Themes, Add-ons, and Extensions

Concrete5 allows web developers to quickly create websites using a number of free and commercial tools. Similarly, developers can easily add functionality to a web application using a number of free and commercial add-ons. Themes and add-ons allow developers to quickly create custom websites without writing additional code. At the same time, developers can extend the CMS using enterprise extensions such as internationalization, HTML exporter, and multi-step content workflow.

Content Editor

The content editor provided by Concrete5 helps programmers customize a website to meet specific business needs. The WYSIWYG content editor also allows developers to customize a website without writing or modifying code. It also has robust features such as contextual editing, easy theme management, and dynamic forms. Programmers even have the ability to drag and drop blocks of content in a template.

Style Editor

Cocrete5 allows developers to customize the design of the website using different fonts, layouts, and colors. Developers can further edit these elements using the style editor provided by the CMS. The style editor further simplifies website customization by providing features such as image editor, videos, gallery, blocks, stacks, templates, and page layouts.

Optimization for mobile devices

Concrete5 allows developers to optimize websites for mobile devices using responsive web design. Developers can also make web pages look good on different devices using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition, they can optimize a web application for mobile devices using the features provided by Concrete5 – adaptive images, adaptive layouts, adaptive video and mobile navigation / menus.

Form Builder

Concrete5 allows users to accelerate digital marketing campaigns by dynamically creating forms and surveys. Programmers can use the form builder provided by the CMS to create forms and surveys without writing additional code. Additionally, users can collect user data more efficiently using the features provided by the form builder – customizable form fields, form validation, error detection, and drag and drop.